We made it to Thursday! Or at least that’s how I’m feeling this week (insert worried emoji face here). Lou and I both got sick with colds a couple of weeks ago, and then that turned into bronchitis for both of us. Our acupuncturist said that the emotion associated with the lungs is grief, so that’s why our bodies weren’t able to shake this little bug off the way they should have been. Crazy, right? I’ve never had bronchitis before, and it’s unusual to get it in the middle of the summer (and especially in the desert!), so it makes sense to me. We’re finally getting back to normal but I feel like we’ve been in survival mode for days! Last night we ventured out for our first date night in forever, and it was amazing to be out and about! All of that is neither here nor there, because this is really about this amazing high-waisted maxi skirt that I ordered a few weeks back when Shopbop had their amazing sale on sale deal going on (I kind of live for those 25% off sale items days)! I think we’re soulmates.